Saturday, May 28, 2011

Turkish Fright

I've had, for several months, a Turkish delight
Last night, I received a call with fright
The girlfriend called asking me to stop
Fucking her man round the clock

Should I know the hell about your man?
Well, he's tall, Turkish and not so tan
How rude of her to yell stop, I thought
I don't give a damn, that was my retort

Moments later, that bitch of a girlfriend calmed down
When I was about to hang up, she sensed my frown
Quietly she told me she loved the man 
And asked me to leave him alone if I can

Take him any way you want, I said
I'll have no lying scumbag in my bed
She knows of his philandering ways she confessed
Then ditch the bloody idiot, I professed

I was stunned, I was shocked, I didn't know
My fuck budd had a woman on hold
I asked at the beginning if he was seeing anyone
Negative, said he, so we started having fun

Often, a night cap at my place he'll be
Slowly he had developed feelings for me
Surely I knew that was a fact
Because of the food he would pack

Now at last his secret's out
I stopped talking to the bastard, gave him the boot
His text messages fell on deaf ears
I have no remorse I have no fears
It wasn't my fault my conscience was clear

( written in 2005 )